Este viernes se estrenó un nuevo lanzamiento de David Bowie en vivo. Se trata de "Ouvrez Le Chien ", un disco grabado en 1995 en el anfiteatro Starplex en Dallas, Texas, USA, y que en español significa "Abre el perro"... Bowie siendo Bowie.
Este concierto es parte de la gira en apoyo del disco "Outside ", que en su sección en Estados Unidos contó con el apoyo de Nine Inch Nails .
Lee también: Paul McCartney, Sheryl Crow y más celebrarán online cumpleaños de Ringo Starr
Como adelanto se lanzó la versión en vivo de "Teenage Wildlife", y luego de esto se lanzó el disco completo a través de las plataformas digitales, que te dejamos a continuación.
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OUVREZ LE CHIEN STREAMING NEXT WEEK “A real life adventure worth more than pieces of gold...” Parlophone Records is proud to announce that DAVID BOWIE OUVREZ LE CHIEN (LIVE DALLAS 95) (a previously unreleased live album), will be made available on all streaming services from 3rd July. TEENAGE WILDLIFE (LIVE DALLAS 95) from the album, is available to stream from 26th June. ( (Temp link in bio) OUVREZ LE CHIEN was recorded live at the Starplex Amphitheater, Dallas, 13th October, 1995, during the US leg of the Outside Tour. The phrase OUVREZ LE CHIEN (translating from the French to “OPEN THE DOG”), originally appeared in the song All The Madmen from The Man Who Sold The World (which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year), albeit without the z. Bowie also used the phrase for his 1993 song Buddha Of Suburbia, once again spelling “ouvre" without a Z. The Z was added when the phrase and its English translation were prominently featured in the stage set of the 1995 Outside Tour. OUVREZ LE CHIEN also features two bonus tracks Moonage Daydream and Under Pressure recorded live at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 13th December, 1995. Previously available on the Hallo Spaceboy CD single, both tracks are making their streaming debut. The cover image of OUVREZ LE CHIEN was taken by @the_real_iman during the ’95 tour. DAVID BOWIE - OUVREZ LE CHIEN TRACKLISTING Look Back In Anger The Hearts Filthy Lesson The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction I Have Not Been To Oxford Town Outside Andy Warhol Breaking Glass The Man Who Sold The World We Prick You I’m Deranged Joe The Lion Nite Flights Under Pressure Teenage Wildlife Recorded live at the Starplex Amphitheater, Dallas, 13th October, 1995 Bonus Tracks: Moonage Daydream Under Pressure Both recorded live at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 13th December, 1995. #BowieDallas95
Una publicación compartida por David Bowie (@davidbowie) el 25 de Jun de 2020 a las 3:26 PDT