Ric Ocasek, cantante principal de The Cars, falleció este domingo a los 75 años.
Según reporta TMZ, la policía neoyorquina señaló que recibió una llamada alrededor de las 4 p.m. por un hombre inconsciente en una casa en East 19th Street. Fue declarado muerto en el lugar.
Ocasek fundó The Cars en los años 70 y saltaron a la fama con "Just What I Needed" en 1978. Continuaron produciendo varios éxitos, incluyendo "My Best Friend's Girl", "Good Times Roll", "Bye Bye Love" y muchos otros.
Grandes figuras del mundo de la música, como Weezer, Slash, Bryan Adams, entre otros, reaccionaron a la noticia. Revisa sus homenajes a continuación.
The weezer family is devastated by the loss of our friend and mentor Ric Ocasek, who passed away Sunday. We will miss him forever, & will forever cherish the precious times we got to work and hang out with him. Rest in Peace & rock on Ric, we love you. #RIPRicOcasek #karlscorner pic.twitter.com/JcTXevr6V8
— weezer (@Weezer) September 16, 2019
RIP Ric Ocasek. Great songwriter and singer for the Cars #RIPRicOcasek
— Bryan Adams (@bryanadams) September 16, 2019
Aw, man. RIP #ricocasek and thank you for the songs on “Heartbeat City” alone. You were a true original.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) September 16, 2019
I will never stop imitating the first Cars album. His influence will always stay with me. RIP and Thank You to Ric Ocasek.
— Carl Newman (@ACNewman) September 16, 2019
Sorry 2 hear about #ricocasek RIP loved his work with the band #Suicide
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) September 16, 2019
Feeling grateful for Ric. Had the opportunity to send him this email a couple years back. My first king. Thank you, thank you, thank you. pic.twitter.com/h4u8CXDhRg
— The Killers (@thekillers) September 16, 2019
No te pierdas el especial dedicado a The Cars a las 16:00 horas en ZOOM Concierto.